What Dirty Dancing Character are you?
You are Baby
You arrive at Kellermans an innocent little girl
and within the 3 weeks that you're at
Kellermans you turn into a mature young woman
all because of one person - Johnny Castle.
Johnny is your summer love and it looks like it
could go further than that because you let
nothing get in they way of you and your lover,
not even your father, a person who you go to
the ends of the earth for
What Dirty Dancing Charater are you?
Ouais bon faut dire que les questions étaient bof bof, je ne pouvais QUE tomber sur Baby... OH JOHNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY <3 <3 <3 <3!!
2 commentaires:
Bon y'a pas des tests pour les mecs? Je sais bien que c'est un blog de gonzesse ici m'enfin quand même... ;-)
BEN SI!! tu peux tomber sur johnny ou robbie, ou même le méchant papa de bébé: ya pas que des nanas ds dirty dancing hehehe!!
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