vendredi, novembre 02, 2007

Quelques nouvelles affirmations... J'adore:)

You're from San Diego when :

- You know what it means when two guys are walking in Hillcrest.
- Your house is worth more than some small countries.
- You know what MB, OB and PB stand for.
- Every street name is either in Spanish or Spanish related and you're surprised when other areas don't have this.
- You see weather forecasts for four different climate zones in the same county and aren't remotely surprised.
- You understand what may-gray and june-gloom means.
- A famous skateboarder/surfer lives in your town.
- You've gotten stuck in the Horton Plaza parking structure traffic after a Padres game.
- You know what "the merge" is and will plan your entire day around not being on it during rush hour.
- You've stayed home from school or work because "It's Raining!"
- You know someone who doesn't own pants.
- You know what 'real mexican food' tastes like.

Et mes préférés, mais déjà dits dans mon post précédent là dessus:

-No matter what the weather is, there is always someone walking around in a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops.
- There are four distinct seasons: Summer, Not Quite Summer, Almost Summer and oh, Hey look, it's summer again.

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